Camano Island Studio Tour 2022

Exploring Universe Ceramic tile, shown on table also hangs on wall.This is one of many pieces that I will be showing in my studio for the Camano Island Studio Tour. For more information about the tour, click here.The open studio event begins May 6th, 2022 and runs for two weekends.

Interconnected Ink

My latest news – I made a book of my ink drawings. You can preview here!Also, I’m having an open studio in May. I’ll post details soon.

Inside, Outside, Surrounded By Green

Three views of the same bowl titled Surrounded By Green, Sunset Moonrise.Ceramic, 9.5″ diameter and about 2.5″ high This bowl is part of a series of bowls I have been working on this year. Primarily a painter over the last few decades, I have been working in ceramics more and more lately. The images were initially carved into flat rubbery tiles. The carvings were then hand pressed into both sides of a flat wet clay slab. The clay slab was … Read More

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