Interconnected Journeys

My art is symbolic of the energetic interconnection of everything in nature. We are made of cosmic dust that connects us with everything. We are longing for connection and yet, we recognize that our internal connection to the world is revealed to have profound effects on our lives. This series is a playful exploration of dynamics between inner & outer, black & white, seeking & longing and recognizing ourselves as part of the whole.

Socially Distanced Journey

One of 6 art assemblages in my Soul Retrieval series currently showing at Matzke Fine Art Gallery and Sculpture Park.The Gallery is open in person to masked visitors and virtually for their annual small works exhibition.Open Fri. Sat. Sun. 11-5 and by appointment through Jan. 17, 2021.2345 Blanche Way, Camano Island, WA., 360-387-2759To see more of this series on the gallery website, click here

In The Studios

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