Susan Cohen Thompson’s latest exhibitions
Camano Island Studio Tour – Open Studios
The Sun’s Dream oil on canvas, 16″x16″, 2017 My studio will be open to the public for two weekends for the annual Camano Island Studio Tour. tour information here
Susan Cohen Thompson’s latest exhibitions
The Sun’s Dream oil on canvas, 16″x16″, 2017 My studio will be open to the public for two weekends for the annual Camano Island Studio Tour. tour information here
Moonbird, raku, 8″x8″ I just brought two additional tiles to Smith Vallee to replace one that sold. at Smith Vallee Gallery, Edison, WA.
Moon Song oil on canvas, 24″x24″ My art will be included in the winter bird invitational exhibition at Smith Vallee Gallery in lovely Edison, WA. Exhibition Opening Reception on Saturday, Feb. 6th, 5pm – 8pm Exhibition runs from Feb. 4 thru Feb. 29, 2016