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Susan Cohen Thompson’s writings

Lunar Sea

Lunar Sea, oil on canvas, 16″x20″. This is one of my earlier moon paintings. The reflection on the water suggests the shape of the bowls that appear in later paintings. I am excited about this because it just showed up out of my subconscious thinking. When I look out at the view of the water from my home, I see the Puget Sound as a large basin containing the life of the region. This vision of the Sound is one … Read More

Portal into the Root of the Soul

Portal into the Root of the Soul, oil on canvas, 36″x36″, 2012. My journey into the Amazon Rainforest a decade ago still informs my art. This is a painting of the Shuar goddess Nunqui. She is opening a portal into the earth and into the soul. She is holding a bowl of Chicha, a drink made from fermented manioc root. The spirit of the earth and the spirit of the human are interconnected in physical form. The world is as … Read More

Full Moon Bowl

This bowl came out of the latest glaze firing. I am calling it Full Moon Bowl. I am continuing to work on this series. I have a few more bowls to glaze before I carve any new ones. The bowls are formed by slumping a clay slab over a plaster mold. Once I get the basic form I want, I start carving. The photo on the left shows the bowl upside down. On the right, the same bowl sitting upright.

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