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News about Susan Cohen Thompson or the Thompson Art Studio Site

Moonlight Dance Tiles – will be on Exhibition

I am very excited about this new pair of ceramic tiles. Indy Behrendt just photographed them for me a few days ago. They actually hang on the wall but we are showing them on a flat surface so you can more easily see their dimensionality. You can see a selection of my tiles in person at Matzke Fine Art on Camano Island in the latest gallery exhibition “Locally Grown”. The show opens March 3, 2012. This pair of tiles will … Read More

Bird Rattle – fresh from the kiln

Ceremonial Bird Rattle 6″ round by 2″ deep, unique hand carving, slab built rattle fired in electric kiln to cone 5. The rattle will be in the exhibition “Embracing the Edge: Working in Clay in the Pacific Northwest” at The Schack Art Center in Everett, WA. Show opens March 8, 2012. If you are in the area, come to the opening!   small image of rattle back

In Earth We Trust – Continuing to Glaze and Gaze

The first group of trees are glazed. Now the work begins of applying whatever I just learned about glazing into more complex forms. I have a deadline and the glaze process remains mysterious to me. Rethinking my painters mind appears necessary. When glazing what looks white may be fired black, what looks red in the bottle is supposed to fire green. In intuition I must trust!

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