In Earth We Trust – Continuing to Glaze and Gaze

The first group of trees are glazed. Now the work begins of applying whatever I just learned about glazing into more complex forms. I have a deadline and the glaze process remains mysterious to me. Rethinking my painters mind appears necessary. When glazing what looks white may be fired black, what looks red in the bottle is supposed to fire green. In intuition I must trust!

The Kiln is On, Glazing Trees Today

This is my second glaze firing in this kiln. The photo here shows how the trees look unfired with glazes. I can’t wait till I see what they look like fired. There are also some bowls in the kiln today. Painting with glazes in my studio is bringing the relationship between my ceramic work and oil paintings and ink drawings to a new level for me. I will keep you posted.

Next Kiln Load Includes Clay Forest

I am very excited to arrive at this design for my glazing test tiles. These little trees, still green (unfired), are made from my favorite Christmas cookie cutter. After 5+ years working in the wonderful Stanwood House Ceramic Studio, I am attempting to work with clay in my painting studio and firing my work in the kiln Kathy Hastings loaned me, which is in our garage below my studio. I have tried various other techniques to test glaze colors. It … Read More

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